The next day I had decided to this time, wait until it was home time and then go to the Feminist Study Class. I knocked on the class room door, loud enough for it to be heard and Miss Monroe’s voice was music to my ears as she called out. “Come in.” Her voice was very inviting, but I had to keep my wits about me. I slowly opened the class room door and ever so carefully crept into the class room.
Miss Monroe was at the bottom of the class room and the moment she saw me, she came rushing up towards me in a flash. “How dare you come back in here again Boy, especially after I had warned you not to do so…” I was some what a little wounded, Miss Monroe already knew my name, but she called me Boy, why? I put this aside as I was prepared to defend my self.
“Miss… I… Miss?”
“That’s Miss Monroe to you Boy.”
“I came here to apologise for what I did yesterday Miss Monroe, I am truly sorry. I humbly and truly apologise Miss Monroe.” Even though it was utterly below me, I allowed my self to grovel before Miss Monroe and oh how she loved it when I grovelled before her.
There was a big smile upon her face, but my grovelling was not enough. In a way I guess, I was being prepared for my Mistress. “I am most truly and sincerely sorry Miss Monroe, honest I am. I do have a most genuine reason for wanting to be part of your study class. Sadly, I have never been able to understand my mothers behaviour and in particular of the way she treated me and why?”
“Oh…” Remarked Miss Monroe in a slightly amused. “Why, in what way exactly has your mother been treating you?” Darn, I was not quite expecting to to be asked that question, I had to think fast. “I would rather not say Miss Monroe, it is quite personal, my mother had changed once my father had died, the way I was treated I just could not understand, that is why I so wish to very much take up being apart of your class Miss Monroe, to help me best understand my mother and why she has treated me in the way she has.”
That was by far my smartest answer, but Miss Monroe was not convinced, this was very upsetting to me. Then I did something that I did not plan to do and would never do,at all, I cried. “I had to leave home because of the way my mother has treated me Miss Monroe, I have not spoken to her or seen her now in a long while.” Oh to my shame, I cried like a baby.
Miss Monroe just dug deep into her hand bag and took out a frilly laced handkerchief, but she said to me in a slightly sympathetic tone of voice. “Awww, you poor Boy. You can tell me what your mother did to you, I will understand, I promise.” She still was calling me Boy, I had hoped by now that Miss Monroe would be calling me by my own name. “I, I, I can’t Miss Monroe, those memories are just too painful for me…” I sobbed.
In truth, those memories were more shameful than anything else, but they were painful too and I had this bad feeling that Miss Monroe had already suspected just in exactly which way my mother had treated me. “Awww, I am so sorry to hear that Marvin, I really am…” My God! Did she just call me by my name? But just as I was about to get my hopes up, Miss Monroe knocked them down.
“I am truly sorry to heat that you are having issues with your mother Marvin, but I feel that this is more of a matter best dealt with by our counsellor Mrs Heather Watson, not by you attending this class. I shall as a favour to you, put in a word for you and ask her to make an appointment to see you as soon as possible.”
Oh, oh, that is most definitely not what I had in mind, not the college counsellor. But what could I say but. “Thank you Miss Monroe, I am most grateful of that. But I would much prefer to trust you Miss Monroe, you are after all an expert in the affairs of the mind and attitudes of my mother.” That was bound to win Miss Monroe over to convince her to let me be apart of her class.
But Miss Monroe expertly crushed my ego like the insignificant bug that it was. “Nonsense my dear. Mrs Watson is an expert counsellor more than qualified to be able to help you out with your problem Marvin. I do thank you for at least telling me in part your problem and your reason why you want to be part of my class, but believe me Marvin, what you need is counselling, not lessons in my class.”